The Noonuccal Woman
“I have strong family and kinship ties and connection to the place of my people,” May says, “These things strongly influence my sense of wellness and identity.” She has experienced many of the chronic health problems that Aboriginal Australians have a higher incidence of, such as circulatory disease and diabetes, and has been in and out of hospital several times recently.

“Nurses need to know how to care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a way that makes them feel comfortable and safe. Don’t use big fancy words or talk down to us - just plain English.” May always feels much more comfortable in hospital if her family is around her, and the hospital Indigenous Liaison Officer can often help to maintain good communication between the staff and the family.
What is it really like to work with older people?
This website will show you many interesting aspects of ageing and introduce you to some of the rewarding ways that nurses can engage with older people in their work.